Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 5 - Personalize it, Pray it

40 Days in the Word – thePULSE Week 5 Message Recap and ‘Personalize It! Pray It!’ Devotional Method 

Have you ever read/watched a story that you wanted to be a part of? The Bible is God’s story which you are a part of. We cant make sense of the present or future without making sense of the past. Reading the Bible isn’t about knowing the storyline but filtering our very lives through it. When God’s story becomes our story we find ourselves walking with him daily.

Personalize It! Pray It! 

Put your name in place of the pronouns of nouns used in the scripture.  

For God so love _________ that he gave his one and only Son, that if ____________ believes in him, ___________ shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Rewrite the verse in the first person, as though God were saying it directly to you…

I began a good work in you, ___________, and I will carry it on to completion.  Philippians 1:6

After your personalize the verse, pray it back to God.

The word of God is tells his story of faithfulness to his people.

And he wants you to open it and experience the joy of getting to know him through his Word. That’s what devotional reading is all about. Not just knowing the Word, but experiencing the author personally.

Reflection Questions

1.      What changes when you personalize the scripture?

2.      What do you think of looking at the bible like God’s living story that you are a part of?

3.      What changes when you see your life as part that story?

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