Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 2 - Picture It

Happy Monday!

The Parable of the Soils – Mark 4:1-20 

Not a representation of where or who we are as people,
A representation of our hearts reception to what God is saying
How do we know what God is saying?
How do I know how I’m responding to it?

Hardened, Shallow, Choked, or Fruitful
                Tell God about where you’re at and what you think is keeping you from hearing what he is saying. 

Passive vs. Active
The method with which we receive any information can be Passive or Active
When we’re in passive mode, we’re unengaged and bored.
This is your chance to read the bible in an active way, that leads beyond information to transformation. 

This is what 40 Days in the Word is all about.
It’s about 6 different methods to help us engage with what God is saying to you in the bible.
It’s a chance for you to discover how to read the bible and interact with God in a way that transforms YOU. 

The method for this week is the ‘Picture It’ method.
Picture yourself in these stories -
Paralyzed man on a mat – Mark 2:1-5. Where am I paralyzed in my life? How can reach out to someone in need?
In the boat in the storm – Matthew 8:23-26. What are the storms in your life? Do you believe that Jesus can calm it?  

Picture it Method - 
This method works best when you’re reading a narrative passage, story, or parable. 

Try to picture the biblical scene in your mind. See yourself as one of the active participants. Ask yourself , “How would I feel if I were involved in this situation? What would I say? What would I do?” Then see yourself as a different character in the story and ask yourself the same questions again.  

Next, ask yourself, “With whom in the story do I identify most, and how does their situation apply to my life right now? What is God trying to say to me? What does he want me to do?” 

Then take a few minutes to write down your thoughts, observations, questions, and any action steps you  need to take.  

When you start picturing a scene, scripture comes tremendously alive to you and you see it in a whole new light.  

Now, as you work through this week’s devotions practice this same method with the verses given.  

When you picture a scene, Scripture comes tremendously alive to you and you see it in a whole new light.  

You get to picture the story the way YOU picture it, not in anyone else’s way.  As you do this, the story becomes personal and can begin to speak to your story!


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