Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 3 - Probe It

Information is defined as “Facts provided or learned about something or someone.” Information is good, right? We learn and process new information all the time. At school, at home, on the internet, and just by living, walking around and experiencing everyday life.  So how do we move from simply processing information to being transformed by it? When it comes to our faith, are we being formed or simply informed?
Knowledge is dangerous if we don’t apply it.Some of the most knowledgable Christians are cranky, arrogant, mean people. It doesn’t matter how much you know if you only use it to harm.  
Knowledge produces pride 1 Cor. 8:1.
If I have not love nothing I know or so will matter 1 Cor. 13
Knowledge makes us proud of ourselves while love makes us helpful to others
God’s deal is putting the world right, and it starts with putting things right in you.
This is how it starts….figuring out what he’s saying to you about your life.

We have to apply it….
What did it mean then?
What is the timeless truth?
How does it apply now?
Is there an Error to avoid. Learn from others mistakes 

Probe It MethodUsing the S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S. questions to find out what God is trying to say to you thought the verse.
S - is there a SIN to confess?
P - is there a PROMISE to claim?
A - is there an ATTITUDE to change?
C - is there a COMMAND to obey?
E -  is there an EXAMPLE to follow?
P - is there a PRAYER to pray?
E - is there an ERROR to avoid?
T- is there a TRUTH to believe?
S - is there SOMETHING to praise God for?
Try to answer a few of these questions about the verse. It’s okay if you can’t answer all of them.
Now, as you work through this week’s devotions practice this same method with the verses given.

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